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Cooks Corner - Fire up the Grill!

Let’s Fire Up The Grill!!

Hey Y’all!!

Welcome back to Cook’s Corner! Here in SW AZ there really isn’t anytime of the year that isn’t a good time to fire up the grill! Now some have called me insane when it’s a blistering 120 out during the middle of our intense summers and I’m out there grillin’ up a storm! But not one of them is complaining when they’re chowing down on whatever I’m serving up! 

Ok, so let’s start out talking about the grill itself. I grew up with my mom doing most of the cooking and grilling, no I didn’t learn my skills from her because sadly she wasn’t the best cook. We had a propane gas grill that even as a kid I couldn’t stand the taste.

I was gifted my first charcoal kettle grill (not a Weber, just a no-name) by my wife and her family on my 22nd birthday just months before we were married! She hasn’t once said no to me buying a grill or smoker since then and we’re rapidly approaching our 23rd anniversary! There’s a lesson in there fellas! 😉 Now if all you’ve got is a propane grill, I ain’t gonna fault ya for it, but I personally feel like you turnout a much more delicious product over a hardwood charcoal fire. I personally use Royal Oak as my go-to and often toss a chunk of mesquite in for added flavor.

So let’s get our fires going and throw a few of those delicious DCR steaks on!! I’m kinda partial to the Rib steak, my wife is a filet girl.

The only one that I would caution you on grilling is the Shank steaks. Those are kinda special and are a tough cut, so I typically put them in a crockpot after making a roast and let them slow cook in the juices.

So if you remember from the tips on your invoice, grilling a grass-fed Steak is a little different. You’re gonna want to cook it a little slower so it doesn’t get tough.

As for seasoning, I’m very simple, I crack some course sea salt generously over both sides and occasionally I’ll crack a little pepper. I like to let the fire get nice and hot and heat up my cast iron crates real good. I put the steaks on and let it sear for a couple minutes, turn it and do the same on the other side. 

At this point I turn them again, but moving them to part of the grill that’s not as hot. I’ll let them go for about a minute on each turning them a few more times. 

The level of doneness of up to you, but PLEASE don’t turn these delectable steaks into a strap of shoe leather! I personal like mine a medium rare at most, I’ll typically take my wife’s a little closer to medium but still with a juicy pink to it. 

When you take your steaks of the fire, let them rest on the plate for a few minutes before serving but too long to where they start to get cold.

I like to take a pat of grass-fed butter and let it melt over them while it’s resting. Then savor each bite! You can pair it with a nice baked potato, salad or sautéed veggies.

Your Cook,



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